Question Board Sept 24th 2015

Our meeting question board collects the ideas, questions, issues, and concerns people have and want to explore with the group. While we make an effort to address everyone’s issues in a 2hr meeting we can’t always get to everything. (Click on image to view larger)

Question Board Sept 10th 2015

Our meeting question board collects the ideas, questions, issues, and concerns people have and want to explore with the group. While we make an effort to address everyone’s issues in a 2hr meeting we can’t always get to everything. (Click on image to view larger)

The wisdom of 5-year-olds (Video)

Emotions stir us up. Anger, Anxiety, Sadness, Joy, Despair, etc. are how we interpret the physical sensations we're experiencing. The emotion is in the interpretation of the experience. So how can you experience the physical sensation of calmness? Watch as these 5-year-olds share what they know. -D

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